How did the talk affect you? The inspiration that this speech brought me is that the setbacks or difficulties encountered in life are the nutrients that make me grow. As Jobs' said, he was fired from the company he founded, but he never gave up on what he loved. After that, he established a company called Pixar, and finally not only returned to Apple, but also got a happy family. Therefore, setbacks bring us not only pain, but also unexpected gains. How does this talk catch the listeners’ attention (or does it all)? Jobs shared three stories in his life to describe the arguments he wanted to express, so that the audience could think from his perspective, and finally connect the three stories to make a conclusion, making the content of the speech more exciting and complete. Has the talk changed your mind about something? If so, explain how. Jobs shared that he chose to drop out because he couldn't see the value that college brought him, and then took a calligraphy class that al...